Give feedback on map

Problems with login? Email to . We will reply on mon-thu.

Features In Digital map

Digital maps is used with web browser in – so it is not an app. It includes: 

Summer (non-snowy season)

  • Hiking and trekking trails
  • mountain biking trails
  • paddling
  • family friendly top spots and trails

Winter (snowy season)

  • Cross Country Ski trails
  • Winter Biking and Walking trails
  • snowshoeing trails
  • snowmobile trails and tracks
  • trail maintenance status
  • trail machines/groomers
  • Ylläs Ski Busses, bus stops and route
  • we show only the official trails on the map.


  • Parking lots and trails starting points
  • Cafes, restaurants, rentals, shops including contact detail and opening hours
  • Shelters, day trips huts, huts
  • Sights, viewpoints, scenic points
  • Other Area info
    • Kolari Train shuttle bus route
    • Kittiä Airport bus route
    • Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations
    • Swimming spots, beaches, saunas
    • Dog parks
    • Warning, notices and closures

Paid features – only for logged in users

  • GPS location
  • Trail maintenance status and time in winter
  • Trail difficulty
  • More zoom, precise maps
  • Trail length and measurement

You sign with email. We will send you a email with single-use number code and a login link (“Open map”), you can use which ever you like.

Getting started – buttons

After login there is multiple buttons on map:


Filter: Search with name/text; show/hide map layers

Choose activity: Choose activity to see trails and points for that

Menu: Help, feedback etc.

Map layers: Change base map; map legend (difficulty, latujen hoitoaika etc.); change season (summer/winter)

Locate: With mobile devices gps-locationing

Measure: Show trail distances and measure trails

How to see maintenance status?

Login, then choose activity from left and you will see only trails for that activity. Line type tells the maintenance:

  • Solid line: Short time since maintenance
  • Dashed line: Medium time since maintenance
  • Dotted line: Longer time since maintenance, trail can still be in very good condition depending on the weather and usage
  • Washed-out line: Not (yet) maintained/no information

See detailed explanation in Layers-menu on right.

See exact maintenance time by pressing the trail (feature was added on 21.12.2023)

How/when trails are groomed?

Trail maintenance is optimised so that in every morning there is as much as possible good trails per the weather. For example if night is snowy trail maintenance starts a bit later on popular near-by trails.

In midwinter there is about 150km of cross country skiing trails, and all ski trails are opened mid february, totaling 300km.

What trail color means? Difficulty in XC skiing

Login, then choose activity from left and you will see only trails for that activity. In Cross Country Skiing Line color tells the difficulty level:

  • Blue: Easy
  • Red: Moderatre
  • Black: Demanding

Trail length and measuring

After login there is a Measure button at bottom right. Press it and then choose the trail you like to measure.

Order/map validity time

Your order is valid for a summer or for a winter. Map bough in June is not anymore valid on November etc.

Latest changes/new features

Pictures for shelter, huts, viewpoints etc.

Map now remembers layer setting/filters

Share the cookie dialog with the main site, now one accept/deny is enough for both.

More enhances to login email delivery.

Fix trail popup, for some it has not opened.
Show ski bus’ realtime location also in free version.
Additions to menu: Weather, safaris, terms.
Enhances to login email delivery.

Search (added 15.1.2024)
Filter/hide points (added 15.1.2024)
Press trail to see Exact times for trail maintence (added 21.12.2023)
Zoom buttons (+ -) added to desktop view (21.12.2023)
Ski Bus realtime location/GPS tracking, bus stops and route (added 21.12.2023)
Option to change basemap to Finnish Topomap or orto/aerial/satellite
Fix legend for trails to distinguish the different line styles

New features coming next

Fix the measuring tool/kilometers

Frequently asked questions, help, problems

Why map is not free?

In Ylläs trail maintenance costs more than 500,000€ each year. By selling the map we collect money for the trails. More info:  

Why route Y is not drawn to the map?

Map shows only official trails. Trail Y is not official and we cannot quarantee the safety nor the quality.

Trail Y looks like ski trail but is not shown as open

Trails shown as open as soon as they are ready for safe use. Not a moment before or later. So the trail is not yet complete – use at your own risk, you may face anything.

Why there is no difficulty for all trails?

Weather and snow condition affects snowshoeing and winter biking difficulty so much that it does not help to have the difficulty ratings for those. On soft snow you will go much slower, while if the route is hard going can be fast and easy.

Cannot zoom close enough

The free version is limited. By buying you get full zoom.

Blank screen, no map shown…

Please clear browsing history and retry.

Please try other browser.

I need to login always again

Login is saved for few days if you do not reset/empty the browsing history.

If you still need to log in always again the problem most likely lies is phone settings: Search bar and/or email opens the links to one browser (like Samsung Internet) while you normally use other browser (like Chrome). 

Change default browser – Android:

  • Open Settings
  • Scroll down to Apps
  • Press Default applications
  • Press Default browser
  • And choose what you like

If you use Gmail-app you also need to deactive link preview – Android:

  • Open Gmail
  • Open navigation
  • Chose Settings
  • Choose General Settings

If you use other than Gmail app, check the settings.

Change default browser – Iphone part 1:

  • Open Settings
  • Scroll down to your chosen browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari tms.)
  • Choose “Default browser”
  • Choose the one you like from the list
  • Also check our email app’s settings – see below.

Gmail app’s default browser – Iphone part 2: 

  • Open Gmail app
  • Open navigation
  • Choose Settings
  • Scroll down to “Default Browser”
  • Choose “Browser”: “Use system default”.

If you use other than Gmail app, check the settings.

Ready! Now the map should always open to same browser and remember the login for many days – as long as you do not empty the browsing history.

Video: How to change the default browser – Android

In case problem persists

Empty the browsing history.

Do you have latest updates for operating system and apps? If not please update and retry.

If you use older operating system or older app we cannot quarantee it works and we do highly recommend getting a new device as device without updates if a serious security threat.

If the problem persists please send us a email so wen can fix it. Fill in the info:

  • What device you use: Mobile phone, tablet, computer
  • Device maker and model
  • Describe the problem, such as
    • Cannot login at all / log in does not work
    • I need to re-login always, even if I followed the help

gps does not work or is inaccurate

GPS is paid feature, works only when logged in.

Have you enabled location and precise location for the browser you use? Both are needed.

Android (Samsung) how to:

  • Open Settings
  • Choose Location
  • Choose the web browser you use from the list (Chrome, Firefox, Safari or such)
  • Enable “Precise location”

Note: For other brands how to is similar. You always open Settings and Location or Apps and then enable location and precise location.

Android (Oneplus) how to:

  • Open Settings
  • Choose Apps
  • Choose Manage Apps
  • Choose the browser you use Chrome, Firefox, Safari
  • Choose Permissions
  • Choose Location
  • Pick “Enable” 
  • Tick also “Use precise location”

Iphone how to:

  • Open Settings
  • Choose the browser you use: Chrome, Firefox, Safari
  • Choose Location
  • Enable Location
  • Turn on “Precise location” (Safari does not have this option)
  • If you use Safari:
    • Go back to settings
    • Choose Privacy
    • Choose Location
    • Turn on location
    • Choose the browser you use
    • Choose “Ask” or “Allow while using the app” 
    • Turn on “Precise location”

Note: How is made for latest iOS (at the moment iOS 17). On older version open settings and serach for “location” and go through the settings.

On computer

Locationing is also possible on computer but does help a lot without a GPS. So we do not dive deep. Principle is same: Allow location for web browser.

If the probelms persists

Do you have latest updates for operating system and apps? If not please update and retry.

If you use older operating system or older app we cannot quarantee it works and we do highly recommend getting a new device as device without updates if a serious security threat.

Does location work on other website such as (button in lower bottom) or (arrow button on right)?

  • If not, then the problem is in device settings
  • If location works on other website but not in Ylläs map you need to allow location for and/or

If the problem persists please send us a email so wen can fix it. Fill in the info:

  • What device you use: Mobile phone, tablet, computer
  • Device maker and model
  • Describe the problem, such as
    • Button is not shown on map
    • GPS is not precise even if I followed the help

Adding a bookmark

Open and save it to bookmarks so you can open the map quickly.

Add to home screen


Possible only if you use Safari. Open Safari and go to . Press three dots to open more settings and choose “Add to Home Screen”.


Possible only if you use Chrome. Open Chrome and go to . Press three dots to open more settings and choose “Add to Home Screen”.

is there an app?

Not at the moment.

Do you get a paper with the digital map?

No, they are sold separately.

Can I get map print (a large one)?

Sure! We deliver only to Finland. Map aspect ratio is about rectangle – a bit higher than wider – and it can be made in any size you like as long as the aspect ratio is same, for example

  • Basic size 504 x 564mm (w x h)
  • 1008 x 1128mm
  • 1340 x 1500mm (this size is in the visitor centre’s wall)

Price depends on size and material. For example 1340x1500mm on hard plastic costs about 200€ inc. VAT 24% (price checked 28.10.2023).

Most common materials are:

  • Paper
  • Sticker, for both indoor and outdoor use
  • Sticker on hard surface, for example 5mm plastic board, for both indoor and outdoor use
  • Canvas. Note: it is not as sharp as on paper and on sticker.

Send us email

  • the size you like
  • material
  • name and address

so we will send you a invoice and after it is paid we order your map.